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Applying for a visa

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Everybody who plans a private of business trip abroad has a lot to consider and organize on time when making travel preparations. Regardless of the personal aspects or business matters, the important thing is to observe the statutory provisions and regulations of the country in question. A large number of countries have introduced a visa requirement to prevent people entering the country who do not meet the provisions specified by the state. This in turn means that travellers from abroad can only enter these countries with a valid visa. Examples of such countries are India, China and Russia.
We work together with the leading visa services and enable you to apply for the required visa in a quick, convenient and secure way. Try out our excellent service and see for yourself!
What is a visa?
Wie erhalte ich ein Visum?
Welche Unterlagen werden benötigt?

What is a visa?

A visa is an official endorsement, which is generally integrated into a passport in the form of a stamp. This stamp is required for entering a large number of countries. It confirms that a traveller is allowed to visit a certain country for a certain period of time.

How do I obtain a visa?

In order to obtain a visa, it is primarily necessary to disclose the purpose of the journey. Accordingly, there is a considerable number of different types of visa, such as a tourist visa, visitor’s visa, business visa or work visa. As a rule, the least amount of effort is involved in obtaining a tourist visa. Nevertheless, in any case there are lot of questions to answer during the application process. These may include the financing of the stay, the existing insurance cover as well as the willingness and possibility to return to the country of origin. Among the common forms of proof for this are, for example, an invitation from the destination country as well as documents that demonstrate the financial situation of the applicant in the country of origin. In addition, confirmation of an existing employment contract as well as current proof of income may be necessary.

What documents do I need to apply for a visa?

One of the most important documents for a visa application is the passport. Here it is particularly important to note that the document must remain valid for a certain period of time beyond the duration of the trip (generally 6 months). In addition, one or more up-to-date passport photos are required. Another demand is for proof of health insurance, which must be valid for the entire duration of the stay and be recognized by the destination country.
These aspects alone make it clear that obtaining a visa is not something that can just be done in passing. On the contrary, it represents a task that makes up a not inconsiderable part of the travel preparation, both in terms of resources and time. It is especially important not to ignore the time factor when obtaining a visa. Unpleasant surprises may be in store for anyone who cannot provide all the necessary documents in good time. Correctly assessing the time factor always involves calculating the official processing times for visa services. Generally, neither kind nor harsh words are able to influence these times, so that they should definitely be taken into account in the application.
Professional assistance can not only relieve you of the time burden but also gives you the security that your visa matters will be fully and correctly dealt with.
We will be glad to take over the entire process of obtaining a visa for you and look forward to receiving your instructions.
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