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Group and study trips

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Group tours

Are you one of those people who dream of getting to know the world? Fulfil your dream and set out on new paths together. Whether family, friends, fellow club members or work colleagues: embarking together on a grand adventure and creating new shared memories – these are experiences that raise the feeling of belonging. It should therefore come as no surprise that group tours are becoming increasingly popular. After all, new experiences become all the more valuable as the number of friends, acquaintances, colleagues or even family members taking part rises. Seize the opportunity to gather new experiences! We will put together a tailor-made group offer for you so that you can explore the world.

Benefits of a group tour

Make new acquaintances
Travel safely in a group
Travel together yet still be able to spend time alone whenever you wish
Share interests and discover new hobbies
Group tours are often less expensive
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Study trips

The term study trip brings together the areas of cultural and educational tours. They may, for example, involve group tours based on a specific cultural subject or be destined for a specific location. A city trip to Paris, a cruise to Iceland or even a gourmet tour through Italy – the options are many and varied. Study trips may last just a few days or even for a number of weeks. Let us get together and find the ideal offer!
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Examples of study tours

City and round trips
Cultural and event trips
Trips focusing on food and drink

Benefits of a study trip

Become familiar with the sights of new cities and countries
Expand your cultural knowledge
Flexible planning in line with your own interests
Our services
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With efficiency, value for money and competence we offer you individual and attractive group conditions.
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Extensive flight capacities and availabilities for large groups.
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Expertise and many years of experience with high service quality.
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Personal advice to match your individual wishes.

Contact us now!

Why not put us to the test? Our team is ready to help you whenever you need us.
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Hanse Business Travel GmbH
An der Alster 62
20099 Hamburg
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As an existing customer, you can contact us at any time for urgent matters, rebookings and cancellations.
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